Student Success and Supports Presentation Recorded 12/2/21
Social & Emotional Wellness
Dealing with Stress During the Pandemic
Are you feeling fear and/or anxiety about this disease and how it may be impacting you and your family? Coping with stress in a healthy way can make you, the people you care about and your community stronger. What makes you feel calm and helps you to deal more effectively with stress and anxiety? Here are a few strategies:
- Thinking of your family and the good times you have had
- Picture a safe place that brings you comfort
- Read comforting or inspirational verses
- Taking in deep, cleansing breaths
- Any type of exercise
- Squeeze a tension reducing ball
What is your personal, favorite technique of stress reduction?
Premier is focused on increasing students social and emotional skills through CASEL''s competencies. These are life skills that all students and adults can benefit from. Check out this summary of each of the five competencies.

What is SEL?
Social and Emotional Learning(SEL) is the process through which children and adults understand and manage emotions, set and achieve positive goals, feel and show empathy for others, establish and maintain positive relationships and make responsible decisions.
Why SEL?
To help students be more successful in school and life.
To help teachers be as successful as possible with reaching and teaching their students.
Understanding Trauma: Learning Brain vs Survival Brain
Signs and Symptoms of Disaster-related Distress
Changes in appetite
Headaches w/o clear physical cause
Over active startle response
Changes in sleeping pattern- too much or too little
Difficulty remembering things, thinking clearly and making decisions
Anxiety and fear, overwhelming sadness, anger or guilt
Reduced stamina, frequent crying, risk taking behavior and angry outbursts
More information can be found at
Crisis Services
Crisis Response Network - Available 24/7 602-247-4600
Terros Crisis Prevention - 602-685-6000
Empact Crisis Services - 480-784-1500 or 1-800-273-8255
Teen Lifeline - 602-248-8336
Mental Health Services
Jewish Family Services 1840 N. 95th Ave Suite 146 623-234-9811
Touchstone Health 12725 W. Indian School Rd 1-866-207-3882
Chicanos Por La Causa 6850 W. Indian School 623-247-0464